Current CCPs


The following CCPs are currently funded through various councils across UKRI:


Name Research Area Chair CoSeC Project Lead
CCP4 Macromolecular x-ray crystallography Dr Ivo Tews Dr Eugene Krissinel
CCP5 Computer simulation of condensed phases Professor Paola Carbone Dr Alin Elena
CCP9 Computational electronic structure of Condensed matter Professor Stewart Clark Dr Leon Petit
CCPBioSim Biomolecular simulation Professor Sarah Harris Dr James Gebbie-Rayet
CCP-EM Electron cryo-microscopy Professor Neil Ranson Dr Tom Burnley
CCPi Tomographic imaging Professor Philip Withers Dr Edoardo Pasca
CCPN Nuclear magnetic resonance Professor Geerten Vuister No current CoSeC support
CCP-NC Nuclear magnetic resonance for crystallography Professor Paul Hodgkinson Dr Kane Shenton
CCP-NTH Nuclear thermal hydraulics Professor Shuisheng He Dr Wei Wang
CCP-QC Quantum computing Professor Vivien Kendon Dr Alin Elena
CCPSyneRBI Synergistic reconstruction for biomedical imaging Professor Kris Thielemans Dr Evgueni Ovtchinnikov
CCP-Turbulence Turbulence modelling for fluid dynamics Professor Sylvain Laizet Dr Stefano Rolfo
CCP-WSI Wave structure interaction Professor Deborah Greaves Dr Wendi Liu